We understand that if you are looking to try out a Martial Arts Class for the first time you may be a little nervous and have lots of questions. Below you will find answers to the most usual queries but of course you can always contact us directly: 0208 946 5255 / contact if you cannot find the answer to your own particular enquiry.
How Much Does a Trial Class Cost?
Our classes vary in price and so it is worth looking at our pricing page for further details. Aikido, Kickboxing & MMA all Cost £12 for a trial class.
All of our Children’s Martial Arts Class offer a FREE Trial.
Can I pay online for trial classes?
Yes you can book a trial online with our secure payment system.
Can I do Pay As You Go?
Everyone is entitled to attend up to 5 Trial classes which can be PAYG. Thereafter we ask you to sign up and become a member and to pay for your class fees by standing order.
All of our classes are progressive and we hope that you feel part of club and what to train regularly so that you develop your skills as well as your fitness. Please note, your fees can be cancelled at any time and YOU are always in control of this. We never operate a direct debit policy.
Do you provide Student / OAP/ Unemployed Discounts?
Currently we do not offer discounts to train, however we would never want to discourage anyone from, training and getting fit. Therefore if payment really is a problem we would suggest you contact us directly: 0208 946 5255 and discuss your circumstances. Please be aware we are a private club and receive no government or local authority subsidy. See our pricing page for full details.
Do you offer Family discounts?
Yes, many of our classes will offer discounts for people registered at the same address and many couples, families and siblings take advantage of this discount. See our pricing page for further details.
How Much is Membership?
Membership fees are £50 for your first year and £40 for renewals. This payment includes your licence and insurance. You can purchase Your membership & renewal online.
Why do I have to become a Member?
Martial Arts is a contact sport and as such anyone who trains in it requires a licence and insurance our membership fee covers this cost and the administration of this.
What does my Insurance Cover?
The insurance that you sign up for protects you in the case of an accident with another student who may attempt to claim against you, like car insurance. It is very rare that this happens hence being very affordable but is essential. The club is insured against accidental injury, but when signing up for membership you agree that by taking part in a contact sport you do so at your own risk. If you have any particular concerns about injury or are looking to compete or train at a more advanced level then you would be advised to take out your own insurance policy or update your private medical insurance. We would stress again that severe injury is very rare and all classes are run on a safety first basis.
Are there any other fees?
Our pricing page and individual class pages detail our fees. All classes require Membership, Class Payments and a Uniform. Some advanced classes may require grading fees and specialist equipment. There are NEVER any hidden fees or unexpected costs. Beginners will be provided with equipment and membership is not required until you have attended 5 trial classes.
What Should I Wear?
Loose comfortable clothing is fine and all classes are barefoot. Do also bring a towel and water.
Do You Have Changing Facilities & Showers?
No, we do not provide changing rooms or showers as we are a small Martial Arts dojo, we therefore recommend everyone arrive ready for class. Women may wish to use the toilet to change. Men generally just throw on their uniform at one end of the dojo. If you are particularly concerned about privacy please speak to us. Our Personal Training Studio does have a shower for 1-2-1 clients.
I am really unfit, can I still do Kickboxing?
Absolutely! Kickboxing is a great way to get fit as it uses a mix of cardio and intense exercise as warm up. Our classes are all very mixed and are designed to challenge the individual, meaning that everyone can train at their own pace. See our kickboxing class page for a typical session.
Will I Get Hurt?
We offer both sparring and non-contact classes so that there is something for everyone. Martial Arts is about confidence, discipline and respect, not hurting one another! In sparring class all sparring is light and novices can request to sit out or not spar with senior grades, however this has never actually been our experience as our classes are so varied and friendly that sparring is always great fun.
Are Your Kickboxing Classes Full of Huge, Thuggish Blokes?
Lol, not at all! Holistic Fitness Kickboxing Classes are often a 50/50 mix of males and females from 14 years old to retirement age. We pride ourselves on our inclusive, friendly classes. Our motto being: Martial Arts for Everyone.
Do You Have Ladies Only Kickboxing Classes?
Currently we do not offer ladies only classes and our experience has been that there is not a huge demand for one. We find in our kickboxing classes the emphasis is on fitness and fun and so the mixed social atmosphere makes for a great class!
What About Women’s Self Defence Classes?
While we do not offer a regular women’s self defence class, we do occasionally run specialist courses and if you have a number of friends who would like to train together then we can offer a bespoke self-defence classes for you! Please note, our reasoning for not offering ladies only classes regularly is that most attacks on women are by men and so why not train with men to have a realistic experience and develop your skills for real life situations? Again, our friendly, welcoming atmosphere has always overcome any objections to this!
What is Grading?
Grading happens approximately every three/four months and is the test that you must pass to earn the coloured belts that Martial Arts are associated with. Anyone attending the Kickboxing Syllabus Class may take their grading, though obviously our instructors will advise you whether you are ready to do so or not. Grading usually happens within Saturday's class and you will be expected to perform a series of set drills as taught in your syllabus class. Sparring is also an element of grading and your instructors will assess how well you use the drills in your sparring. While grading is hard work it is immensely rewarding and is a great way of measuring your progress.
How Long Will It Take Me to Become a Black Belt?
Obviously this entirely depends on how committed you are! We have members who achieved their black belt within 3-5 years while others prefer to go at a slower pace. Martial Arts is a journey of self development as much as it is a physical feat. But whatever your personal aims we work with you to achieve your potential and be the best you can be.
Whats the difference between Lil’Dragons & KidZone?
Our Lil’Dragons programme is for 4-7 year olds while KidZone caters for 8-13 Year olds.
Lil’Dragons is a non-contact class. KidZone introduces light contact sparring.
Doesn’t Martial Arts just encourage fighting or make my child aggressive?
Not at all, quite the opposite! Any Martial Art, whether it be a modern, western discipline like Kickboxing, or a more traditional Japanese combat sport, teaches respect and discipline first and foremost. All of our children are encouraged to avoid violence and fighting at all costs and our bully buster lessons explain the importance of walking away, shouting for help and reporting bullies to adults.
I am uncomfortable with my child sparring can they miss this bit out?
Sparring is only introduced as part of our KidZone class and while we encourage every child to fully take part in the class we do of course understand that not all children wish to spar. However, our experience has been that most children love light-contact sparring and we believe our classes as a whole teach confidence, respect and discipline, meaning that sparring is conducted safely and sensibly. But no child is forced to do anything they or you feel uncomfortable with.
Other FAQS coming soon...
Little Dragons
Aikido Classes
MMA Classes
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Classes
Krav Maga