Wimbledon Boxing Club based at The Holistic Fitness Studios, runs a 12 week boxing course suitable for adults of any age and ability. We provide a friendly but challenging environment and our course is a fantastic introduction to those who want to experience a boxing class without overly committing themselves.
Boxing Club Class Times
Tuesday 8:30pm – 9:45pm All Abilities / ages 16+
Thursday 8:30pm – 9:45pm All Abilities / ages 16+ Currently Unavailable
Note this is an ongoing, informal 12-week course with occasional breaks. You may join in at any time, however please call beforehand to ensure when the class is running.
About our Boxing Classes
Boxing, is a popular fitness activity and no wonder! The boxing classes at Holistic Fitness are a challenging but fun way to get fit and really push yourself to your limits while learning a skill.
Sparring, bag work and drills are of course a key part of our boxing classes, but so is developing your core strength, improving your breathing and improving muscles mass and cardiovascular fitness. It's no wonder that many professional sportspeople incorporate boxing into their fitness routine as it demands a different way of working, both physically and mentally.
Firstly, be prepared to sweat! Our warm up is based around core, muscle-building exercises and circuit training. Press-ups, sit ups, cat dips all feature, as does plenty of skipping, crawling and bag work.
For some that may sound easy but this warm up is designed to work every part of your body as Boxing involves much more than just punching your opponent.
Breathing, and footwork are key to being a good boxer and while of course upper body strength helps our classes ensure that everyone fulfils their potential whatever their size and ability.
You will then often be paired up to work through specific techniques, (known as drills) usually using focus pads or the bags which your partner (bag man) hold for you. Techniques will build up in complexity and speed, to help you better understand the subtleties of boxing.
The lesson then moves on to sparring and you will wear protective gear such as groin guard and gum shield as well as gloves and head guard. For new starters the level of sparring will be very light and we try to mix everyone up as much as possible rather than just pair you to your same height and weight. But don't worry, everyone spars to a level they feel comfortable with and you will soon see the benefits of sparring with different people and learn much faster and become a better boxer.
Trust us, by the end of one of our Boxing Classes you will be sweating yet feeling great as the adrenaline pumps through you and you realise you have had a fantastic workout. We end the class with a cool down of stretching to ensure you are not stiff or sore the next day.
Boxing is a brilliant exercise for those people who finds gyms boring. Because boxing naturally uses a mix of cardiovascular and short bursts of high intensity, it is a very effective and fun way to burn calories and improve stamina as well as core strength and power.
Scared of getting hit? Don't be! If you have read this far you are clearly keen, but the fear of being hit can put some people off. In our experience, the fear is much greater than the actual hit and many of our members have gone on to take part in white-collar boxing matches to raise money for charity.
Boxing Trial Classes cost: £15.00
(Trial classes can be paid for online or paid in cash on the day of your class.)
A 12 week course costs the price of ten lessons: 150 and must be paid in full at the start of the course.